Achieving SFDR Compliance and Reporting on Principal Adverse Impact
This webinar sets out to explore and explain the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), both at the entity and the product level. The presentation will cover the various relevant dates of application of the level 1 and level 2 requirements and the differences between them. We will demonstrate the different ways investors can respond to the regulatory obligations, addressing aspects such as sustainability risks, the Principal Adverse Impacts indicators, ESG characteristics and sustainable investment objectives.
Finally, following its launch on April 27, we will be pleased to introduce our dedicated and tailor-made SFDR Principal Adverse Impact solution, specifically developed to address the reporting obligations as prescribed within the Regulatory Technical Standards.
- Overview of regulatory requirements and associated timelines
- Potential ways to address the subjective level 1 requirements
- Demonstration of our SFDR Principal Adverse Impact solution
Tom Harding, ESG Product Manager, Regulatory Solutions Lead, ISS ESG
Lydia Sandner, Associate Vice President ESG Ratings and Regulatory Affairs, ISS ESG
Joel Yarm, Executive Director, Head of Institutional Sales UK & Benelux, ISS
*This webinar is intended for the investors’ community