Comprehensive, independent research on high-profile economic proposals, including M&A and contests for corporate control
Special Situations Research gives investors the insight to fully understand the governance issues, risk factors, and implications of proxy contests, high profile mergers and acquisitions, and other strategic corporate actions on their investments.
Special Situations Research content is keyed to the risks and opportunities of investors who have an economic interest in effectively managing the value of the securities they hold.
The ISS research team regularly engages with the issuer community, proponents/ dissidents, and other stakeholders to inform the research process. ISS uses its unique perspective to foster a constructive dialogue between interested parties.
Uncover Risk and Opportunity with Special Situations Research:
Multi-Dimensional & Insightful Analysis
- Adds a value-focused dimension and analytic insight to key votes with economic consequences
- In-depth analysis of strategic issues, including their interplay with governance provisions and competitive positioning
- Offers long-view thought leadership on how trends and developments in corporate governance, and particularly the governance of board/shareholder relations, may affect future value
- Leverages ISS’ unique vantage at the nexus of issuers, advisors, and shareholders to add depth to analysis of all economic proposals and contentious situations
Continued Coverage
- Deal notes frame issues or identify key shareholder considerations in advance of decision points
- Coverage of transactions extends from announcement through denouement
- Allows investors to fully understand the implications beyond the shareholder vote on the investment itself and on future optionality
Comprehensive Research, Delivered in Three Parts
Research Notes
- Brief reports that frame the key issues of specific situation and explore developments, including broader corporate governance trends
- On transactions, reports can extend from the time a deal is announced up through the shareholder meeting, designed to keep you informed as a transaction or proxy contest evolves
Meeting Analysis
- Complete analysis of the transaction, with an ISS vote recommendation, issued approximately two weeks in advance of the shareholder meeting
Contentious Pipeline
- Quick-read monthly summary alerting you to developing transactions and contentious situations
- Delivers a broad view of the landscape and allows you to track risk and opportunity within the portfolio