Protecting Securities Fraud Recoveries From Expiring Under The Statute Of Repose
Best Fiduciary Practices

Please join Securities Class Action Services, LLC (SCAS) and Bernstein Litowitz Berger & Grossman LLP (Bernstein Litowitz) for a discussion on the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in CalPERS v ANZ Securities that filing of class action stops the running of the statute of limitations, but not of the statute of repose, governing claims for recovery of damages under the federal securities laws. During the session, we will highlight the implications for institutional investors’ fiduciary policies and governance considerations in monitoring and protecting claims.
The event will be moderated by Jeff Lubitz, Head of ISS Securities Class Action Services, and joining us are the esteemed speakers from Bernstein Litowitz:
- Blair Nicholas, Partner
- Jeroen van Kwawegen, Partner
- Dave Kaplan, Senior Counsel
This event is intended for institutional investors and pension funds.