Georgina Marshall
Global Head of Research

Georgina Marshall
Global Head of Research
Georgina Marshall is Global Head of Research for ISS Governance. She leads the ISS research teams based across North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific in our Governance Research and Voting business that report on more than 50,000 public company shareholder meetings each year in over 110 markets around the world, providing institutional investors with informed independent research and voting recommendations through ISS benchmark, ISS specialty and custom research, and producing studies and white papers on a wide variety of topics related to corporate governance and capital stewardship. In addition, she is chair of the ISS Global Policy Board.
Based in ISS’ Rockville, MD, office in the U.S, Georgina is a Chartered Accountant (ICAEW), a member of the Advisory Board of the University of Delaware’s Weinberg Center for Corporate Governance, and is a former member of the ICAEW Corporate Governance Committee. She received a B.A.(Hons) in English and Medieval Studies from the University of Exeter, UK.