Global Research Leadership

On the ground, around the world.

catherine salmon

Catherine Salmon

Regional Head of Research – France, U.K., Middle East and Africa

Catherine Salmon is Regional Head of Research for France, UK, Middle East and Africa and an active member of the ISS Global Policy Board, which develops the ISS’ voting policies. Catherine also leads a voting research group monitoring and analysing resolutions covering E&S Governance issues at global level. She collaborates with the ISS Public and Regulatory Affairs team which monitors and evaluates the changing stewardship and ESG regulatory landscape and provides official feedback including through the response of government and non-government consultations. She is a member of the UN PRI’s Global Policy Reference Group comprising senior policy professionals across the globe who are integrating responsible investment into their firm’s public policy engagements.

Catherine has been with ISS since 2006 initially overseeing ISS’ French research team while working closely with internal and external stakeholders to refine and improve the market’s research offerings service. In 2013, she was appointed Head of the UK research team, in addition to her responsibilities related to France, the Middle East and North Africa. Catherine is a frequent speaker covering corporate governance topics and regularly engages with key market players with a focus on those in France and the UK. Prior to joining ISS, Catherine was a Corporate Governance Analyst at Deminor.

Based in Paris, Catherine holds a Master of Business Law from the University of Poitiers – DJCE.

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