Measure your investments against regulatory defined Principal Adverse Impact metrics
Assess and report on the Principal Adverse Impacts of your products and portfolios
ISS ESG’s SFDR PAI Solution enables Financial Market Participants to measure the performance of their investments against the regulatory defined PAI indicators and metrics in order to comply with the new disclosure obligations.
- SFDR Level 2 compliance and PAI reporting obligations
- Security selection for product development and portfolio construction
- Insight into vital ESG metrics which support informed voting practices and engagement activities
Two reports available at the click of a button, designed to help support Level 1 and Level 2 SFDR compliance obligations as well as reporting against the specific PAI metrics at both an entity and product level.
Report at Both Entity and Portfolio Levels and Provide an Overview of Individual Metrics
The SFDR Annual Average report and SFDR report enable Financial Market Participants to address the SFDR entity level reporting requirements that came into effect in January 2023. The SFDR Annual Average Report provides the portfolio level values based on the average of the portfolio’s constituents each quarter, and the PAI indicator assessments and EVIC values as of Q4 of the reference year. The report enables investors to report against the PAI indicators at a specific point in time, especially in the context of SFDR product level reporting requirements applicable as of January 2023, but also for SFDR entity level reporting to capture fiscal year end EVIC and PAI impact.
Intuitive Data Visualisation
Easily interpretable charts that can be used for website, pre-contractual and periodic disclosures such as key investor information documents and prospectuses (KIID). Our reports also includes coverage per specific PAI metric.
Transparency on Sustainability Risks and Consideration of Principal Adverse Impacts
The ESG Rating and Carbon Risk Rating Portfolio-Benchmark comparison charts can be used to measure and report on sustainability risks. The Portfolio-Benchmark comparison of the overall scores from our Norm-Based Research and Sustainability Development Goals (SDG) solution can be used to support the construction of PAIs policies and statements, beyond the specific indicators and metrics specified within the Level 2 Regulatory Technical Standards.
Raw Values for Regulatory Compliance
Data has also been included in tabular format to allow the relevant numbers to be easily visible. This is particularly important when aggregating data and the subsequent reporting to meet regulatory obligations.
Coverage of all mandatory PAI indicators* for corporate and sovereign / supranational assets, including:
- GHG emissions
- Carbon footprint
- Biodiversity
- Emissions to water
- Hazardous waste ratio
- Violations of UN Global Compact principles
- Board gender diversity
- Exposure to controversial weapons
*ISS ESG has mapped the mandatory and the additional indicators to its ESG solutions, leveraging justifiable proxies in the absence of reported and disclosed data. A NFRD indicator flag is also included in order to assist clients with their disclosure obligations.
Up To 8,000 Issuers
for mandatory PAIs
Up To 5,000 Issuers
for Additional PAIs for corporate data
Up to 190 countries
Sovereign & Supranational Assets
Approx. 35,000 issuers
GHG Data
Approx. 185K directorship records
Governance Data
Data as of September 2023. All figures are approximate.
Leveraging over 30 years of ESG Research & Rating expertise
ISS ESG’s proprietary research and rating methodology has been consistently updated and developed across more than 30 years, aiming to deliver high-quality, material and forward looking ESG data on company’s sustainability performances.
This methodology is used to support our SFDR PAI solution, where we leverage existing and established underlying products and solutions to map to the regulatory criteria, and where new expertise has been applied in the mapping efforts and translation stage. These include regulatory knowledge, product expertise and highly sector-specific analysis.
Rely on ISS ESG’s SFDR Principal Adverse Impact Solution to get ready for the new EU disclosure requirements.