ESG ratings for sovereign investment have historically not received the same level of attention as that of equities and corporate bonds, according to Hendrik Leue, Lead for ESG Country Research at ISS ESG.
Critical for incorporating sustainability aspects into sovereign investment is a consistent normative ESG framework underpinned by robust data, which, Leue contends, not only helps to identify long-term risks, but also unveils opportunities for lasting impact towards global sustainable development.
ESG Country Ratings are an ideal complement to conventional financial ratings. They provide detailed analyses of the sustainability performance and risks of all EU, OECD and BRICS countries as well as other important sovereign issuers from Asia and South America.
The Country Rating is an important indicator of a country’s economic potential and stability.
Environmental and social dimensions allow investors to draw well-informed conclusions about a state’s long-term stability.
ISS’ analysts gather information from the media and other public sources. They conduct interviews with stakeholders, and collect information on country policies and legislatives. Exchange with various NGOs and a strict verification ensure objectivity and depth of the country research.
Investors are enabled to make a sound assessment of the long-term solvency of government bond issuers.
Awarded to countries that rank among the world´s best countries in terms of sustainability performance.
ISS ESG Country Ratings universe contains the world’s largest issuers of government bonds.
The ratings are based on the analysis of some 100 social and environmental criteria.
*Due to the sanctions imposed on Russia, research on Russia has been suspended.