Developing Litigation Strategies To Help Achieve Your Funds’ Goals

In this webinar, ISS SCAS and Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM) discuss ways in which institutional investors develop litigation strategies and align them with their overall business and strategic goals. The panel was led by the Global Business Head of ISS SCAS, Ivar Eilertsen.

Speakers included:
Beata Gocyk-Farber, Lead Counsel Litigation, NBIM
Jarett Sena, Director of Litigation Analysis, ISS SCAS

During the webinar the panelists covered many topics including:

  • How institutional investors develop a litigation strategy, and align it with their overall business and strategic goals.
  • How NBIM, in particular, decides to take an active role in litigation, whether seeking lead plaintiff, opting-out, or participating in global opt-in litigation.
  • Ways to mitigate risk throughout the litigation life cycle and meet fund objectives.
  • Key issues facing institutional investors in securities-related litigation in the US and around the globe.
  • Perspectives on ESG and impact on processes and decision-making when it comes to securities litigation.


21 May 2024
11:00 AM EDT | 4:00 PM BST
5:00 PM CEST
Duration: 1 hour

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