A Dialogue on Deforestation 

What risks does deforestation pose to investment portfolios today? How can investors assess and mitigate those risks? And how can investors identify and leverage nature-based solutions to meet their climate and environmental objectives 

These are some of the questions we’ll be discussing during this breakfast event. Mirtha Kastrapeli, Global Head of Natural Capital, will present preliminary research findings of our upcoming deforestation flagship study to be published this Fall. This event will also provide the opportunity for investment professionals to exchange ideas and insights on how to consider nature-related risks and opportunities in the investment decision making process.

The event will follow Chatham house rules.  


8:30am – 9:00am 

Breakfast and networking  

9:00am -10:30am


  • Welcome / Introductions
  • ISS ESG preliminary research findings and discussion
  • Case study presentation
  • Conclusion and next steps


July 16, 2024

8:30- 10:30 AM BST 

ISS London office, 1 London Bridge, London, SE1 9BG

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